Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who is Leland Cheung?

[Full Disclosure: Leland Cheung is a friend, a former roommate, and someone to whom I will make a nominal donation this year. Okay, I said it].

Leland Cheung is pursuing joint Master's Degrees in Business Administration (Sloan School of Management, MIT), and Public Policy (Harvard Kennedy School). He lived in Cambridge before returning for these graduate degrees and noted the wide town-gown disconnect in the city, something that almost anyone who has lived or worked in Cambridge can identify, but something too few in Cambridge politics have seriously tried to address.

He is currently running for the Cambridge City Council with the slogan "Uniting Students and Residents to make Cambridge #1."

There is plenty of substance to his policy proposals. If you've got a few minutes to check it out, I recommend you give his website a look: www.electleland.org.

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